Monday, December 13, 2010

OMG Zombies!!

One of the projects I have been working on, is to exlore and sharpen my skills with Photos.
This picture of our car being surrounded by zombies seemed an excellent place to start

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Taking a little break

I've decided that my work is too important to leave any longer, so i have decided to take a little break from some of the fun but obsessive past times and compulsive escapist habits that i have ...
Im not stupid.. Im not quitting any of my online games or anything .. just taking a step back , going to have a little nap for a few months and get some real work done...

I plan to use this blog, and other while i work, but there are some blogs i'm letting lapse into a coma for a short while.

I will see you back here with project update reports.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Must be fall

Every fall I find I am stricken with an "Examine my life" phase.. were I start to shake things up , and re-prioritize. Though in itself this is not a bad thing, I find it disquieting that I end up doing it every year.. but even more , that I have to keep doing it every year...

Too much movies, not enough cleaning, too much video games not enough working... its like I'm on a natural slide to slack, and every year I notice how much. so here we go again, cutting back on the video games, stepping up on the working projects.. Its time to recommit again, and start working on some killer projects.. Im thinking that I will step up my work to a more social level, and find a way to work at home, after work, from 3 till 6 every day. I have a scheduler coming now, we will see how that helps, the living room is also a nicer space, i think we can work with that too.

we will see

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fate walks into a bar..

Fate walks in , sits down and says to you .. "We need to talk"

Your heart grows cold as the words come out... you begin to think back to all the things that may have gone wrong.. at what you could have done differently , of why you said the things you said ...

Ill admit, my last post was bold, and strong worded, but i felt that it was a necessary statement, like i had to gain control of the situation and tell fate what i really thought..

did i know better then and just experienced a teenage 'esk' lapse in judgement and rebellion? did i know that fate was really in control anyway, no matter what i said? or did i think that i was really going to get away with it?

The DAY after i made that post with the F U Fate ..
I get a phone call at 6:30 at night... congratulating me on winning the habitat for humanity house... a 500k house .. interest free mortgage ... downtown... using the latest in super green construction techniques... brand new .... mine..

Fate walks into the room, looks me in the eye and says.. aren't you glad you didn't get that mortgage?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sometimes you get the Bear...

I barely have the energy to write a post about how little energy i have left at the end of the day... I have been busting my ass, swimming upstream and fighting the tide.. and some other useful metaphors implying that life it hard.

It doesn't have to be. I have, for years now been living on a philosophy of fate, good things will come when they are due sort of stuff. Its true you know, if you let the sands of time and the winds of fate flow, they will form you a world of natural perfection and a sense of well being throughout.

What if you want more, you hear people say "know what you want and take it", you make your own future, you build your own luck etc. etc. I'm going to take a moment to analyze these positions and maybe contrast them a little to have a better understanding.

"If something is too hard to do , maybe it isn't what you should be doing" is something that, someone i respect immensely said to me once, and she was right, if your digging hard for that 5000$ to buy a car and your begging, borrowing and stealing to get it , but you could afford the 2500$ car, you should, in most cases buy the cheap car, and save up money to buy a bigger better one, the path of least resistance. planning ahead, and a penny saved, these are all philosophies of being and states of mind that will carry a person through life comfortably, and more or less risk free (barring disasters, which everyone has and has to deal with as they come)

"If you want something, just decide, and make it happen" Sometimes the thing you want is out of reach, but you want it anyway. what then? should fate be spun another hand, and you should let go your claim? or should you take it, step on faces, piss people off, and burn bridges to get it? and more importantly, how do you tell the difference between "lifes obstacles" and "fates fickle fingers"

Is this a challenge I'm meant to overcome to grow, and learn and experience, or is this fate telling me that this is not the time... normally I would say so , but then, I'm passive aggressive by nature, and more inclined to just let nature takes its course. so that answer is easier, like the first paragraph.

But I want this, i want it hard and in a way that i dont often want things, want it like i wanted my children and my wife.. Want it like it was mine and someone stole it ...
Want it like im not going to accept your answer no matter what you think i will do ..

Want it like ... Sometimes the Bear gets you .. but this time, I'm the Bear..

Fuck You Fate!, I'll do it myself ...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Battle

The battle was pitched, and arduous, I climbed thousand word mountain, with apathy and sloth taking pot shots at me. Once i reached the bunker on warmed up hill, with a thousand words behind me and ten thousand words ahead, my line wavered. After a quick recharge of encouragement, I leapt into the fray once more, taking first Pros pass, Then Chapter 5 hall, we were pinned down there, we pulled out for a little R & R in casa del buffy.
Before the R & R was over it was canceled by General She' Toaldmatoo and we were shipped back out to the battle of foothold bluff, where we gained ground in the advance but paid a price to high.

The Battle was not over however, at the end of the day, we had only made it half way to the enemy force in 30kWords, and the Stronghold of Editing valley.. but that is another story for another time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just do it!

So the time has come, i have been working on my novel for nearly a year, im through 8 of ten chapters on the first draft, and ran out of gas 3 or 4 months ago, i reached "That point" of the book (Neil Gaiman) where it all starts to read like tripe, and i cant imagine anyone could possibly want to read it .. apparently, according to Neil Gaiman, that is not only a good thing, it means im almost done.

As i predicted, i hummed, and hawwed, and worried about lighting , and moaned about blocks of time, and pissed about uninterrupted work flow.. but here i am , last day, i am making the final push to plow through the word count, editing will take care of the rest, i will start in a few minutes the process of filling out the remaining 10k words ish of the book, and turn it into a Juggernaut of literature AFTER...

The story is good, the premise is good, the story till i reached "that part" was great, so im going to suck it in... turn my body sideways and slide through ... hoping not to knock anything over.

see you on the other side, ill post when its done. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy Busy

I wish i could find it, i wish i could find the motivation to meet my vision, and ambition.
I have posted before about how I have a zillion great ideas, and then run out of gas during the development phase.. well Mrs.Redmage said to me this morning.. " I don't know how to MAKE you work on your ideas" i mean, she said more than that,it was actually like a conversation thing.. but i forget most of it and that was the part i wanted to talk about today so ..

Friendly Accountability.

Knowing that your counting on me to get something done, will make me do it. I wont have to be reminded (much) why im doing it, when its due, and what its for.. those things make work happen. if you need a picture for this scene "a bird in a window" ill draw it on time, and to your liking. but if you say "draw me a picture" ill hum and ill haw, and ill waste time playing games complaining about timing and worrying about lighting.

Flow charts.

I work great with flow charts, i need help in remembering to look at a flow chart, but i can build one and follow it, we put my flow chart in a bad space and i think we should move it into the computer room.

Deadlines for Completion.

A flowchart that has a deadline is double effective, and allows for a time scheduled breakdown of tasks at hand.

Sticky Notes, and Uninterrupted time: too often you set yourself a time, and find yourself being inturupted or constrained by other commitments... its the blocks of uninterrupted time you need te be able to count on to be productive.. for example, at an office you have blocks of time that are uninterrupted, if your at work, you frequently have little else to do but work, your lunch time maybe, and your after work time, but while at work... not much else to do.

Anyway, thats just a few thoughts on how I could better work without a project being my actual job.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Warhammer 40K Campaign

Phase 1
Summerfall - Agricultural Planet VIILMC III

A nondescript agricultural planet on the outer rim has gone silent, about three weeks ago, a large repopulating ship, the "Endeavor" was scheduled to arrive with 25,000 new settler's and the equipment and supplies to expand the existing agricultural base, the ship was not reported to arrive, more disturbingly, the Imperial Moon Base in orbit of the planet Outpost Z-Tak-Beta Epsilon 23 reported its passing through scan-net en route to the planet, though failed to check in.

That was the last communication from z-tak-be 23 or the planet, and "The Mephisto" the Space Marine "Fury chapter" was sent to investigate, as well as Sisters of Battle.

The Colony ship had experienced a warp incident, and the ship was infected with Tyranids during the Deep warp disturbance. Within a few hours the 25000 colonists were dead, and the ship crashed into the surface of the planet.

Responding to the Threat, the Tau, keenly launch a scouting mission from their secret location on the far side of the third moon of the planet, in synchronous orbit of the planet with moon one, and therefore never detectable by conventional imperial systems. they send representatives from both clans, to find the two major parts of the wreckage the cargo containers, the suspected origin of the tyranid incursion, and the habitat section (where the incursion ended, and where any survivors might be found and eliminated)

When the engine section crashed down into the Cragsback mountains on the north ridge, it had at least one unusual effect, the crash stirred an ancient spore pocket, a cloud from which spilled the Broketooth Ork Spores, and a more Vicious Clan of Orcs could not be found. the Drums of war began to beat, deep in the quiet heartland of Summerfall.

Phase 1 PlayGuide-

Game A - Scouting Party
Tau 250 pt
Imperial 250 pt

Tau Forces have landed, and deployed a small scouting force to investigate the Cargo section of the ship, hoping to find signs of the Tyranid incursion, however what they find is a small imperial force in salvage operations. Tau have 6 Turns to take the 5 cargo sections, or they loose, the imperials successfully salvage and evacuate.

72' battle area- 5 obstacles (placed in 5 dice patern :-: on imperial half of board.
6' tau deployment area
12' Imperial Deployment area

This is an NPC Imperial army and suffers no ill effects from losing.

Tau Victory - 10 Pts + 10 pts for each obstacle they control at the end of turn 6
Total destruction- 60 pts for total tau victory.

Game B- Scouting Party
Tau 250 pts
Tyranid 250 pts

The Tau scouting party has come to look for and eliminate or enslave any survivors of the crash, and destroy any Tyranid threat before it becomes aware of the Tau moon base. the Tyranid occupy the crashed vessel, and have eliminated most of the survivors, and started constructing a hive. The Tau must Eliminate all the Hive nodes and hold the field at the end of Turn 6 to gain victory.

72' battle area- 1 Giant obstacle (placed in center on tyranid half of board) 2 smalls placed on Tau side (1 in deployment zone 1 within 12' outside of deployment.
8' tau deployment area
36' Tyranid Deployment area

Tau Victory-(50 pts) + Tactical Superiority, the Tau may deploy last on their next encounter with the Tyranid

Tyranid Victory- A hive has been established on this location,the Tyranid now have control of the map grid, and follow Defender rules for all future battles at this location. all tyranid points are now located at this point.

Game C- Surprise Party!
Space Marine 200 pts
Sister of Battle 200 pts
Orcs 250 pts
Orcs 250pts

The Drop ship, and drop pods have landed in the center of a quiet clearing, as the Marines and the sisters emerge, they realize they are completely surrounded by orcs and outnumbered as usual, back to back, they prepare to hold off the onslaught of greenskins about to rain down on them.

Space Marines / Sisters must survive 6 turns to claim victory
Orcs Must destroy the forces of the empire to claim victory.

72' battle area- 1 pod for each squad of marines, and one medium ship for the sisters landing ship.all in the center of the map
Space Marines and Sisters must deploy within 6' of their landing craft.
orcs have a 12' deployment zone on both sides of the table. deploying at least 100 pts on either side

Space Marine Victory- If Space Marines win, Solo-(no sisters left)50 pts Allied victory 100 pts
Sisters of Battle - Victory - Solo(no space marines) 50 pts, allied vicotory 100 pts
Orcs Victory +1 Looter Squad Added to the Army Roster.(must use something lost( burna, Rokkit launhca, sisters heavy... etc)

Maintaining Multiple Blogs

So I am maintaining more than a single blog now... I had been before too, but the other one I tried to maintain was stupid...

So my other blog is almost as many posts as this one in like a month and a bit , this one being nearly a year old already, says alot for what it is I think i have to share with the world that isnt EVE related right?
maybe ..

Back to Warhammer, every once in a while I see something, or do something that reminds me how much i love warhammer miniatures combat, bot the 40k and the fantasy versions... well I'm getting back to it i think again. well.. i dont think, i just spent a bunch more money on it , and pulled it all out of its dusty corner to be worked on again.. but this time i think i am approaching it differently, im thinking that i will take my time, do it right, and not rush, as rushing through painting and assembling a thousand miniatures is a daunting and frightful task, this time, im going 1 unit at a time, and working on some terrain as-well.

So here Goes... here is the game comming up, saved for posterity and reference. kk

Warhammer 40,000 Campaign game:
Participants -

Space Marines - 2500 pts
Orcs - 2000 pts
tyranids- 1500 pts
Tau - 3000 pts
Tau - 1750 pts
Sisters of battle 1750 pts
Imperial - 500 pts

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Steampunks Return

Steam punk has for a long time,been around, in a tangent, semi-accepted, quasi state of popularity. Good movies, fiction and a broad definition of steam punk in general have loaned credence to its continued viability. The bad movies are dismissed as bad movies, not maintaining their connection to the genre like other bad movies do.. Marvel was in a state of bad movies for many years after captain america punisher, daredevil, hulk ... until spider man really, marvel had a bad association with movies. Steam punk, because of its broad defenitions avoided that pitfall.. "oh that was diesel punk" being the sort of defence it was able to muster.

However Steam is about to catapult its way to the forefront of popular fiction, much like vampires did a couple years ago now, and zombies did just before them. both had a quiet popularity already, but suddenly exploded into the thoughts and minds of the entire western culture. Well get ready for steam punk, i expect in about two months. steam punk will throw itself into the western cultural mainstream.

First, i would like to apologize and sympathize with all of you who are in fact steam punk fans BEFORE the great resurgence starts. Your favorite genre/style is about to be bastardized, marketed, corrupted twisted and otherwise distorted to suit the popular media vehicle in which it will be riding, I like to call this the Wal-Mart effect. (sparkling vampires) But there is an underlying reason D'etre' for the shift, like their was for the vampires, and the zombies, and i think I may have put my finger on it.

Victorian era, with the sense of propriety, morality and honor that the british empire infused,and the virtues of patience, chastity, and kindness were still virtues. without the drawbacks of the Victorian era getting in the way, no more gender bias, racial inequity, slavery, and the industrial revolution is past, technology reaching a fairer symbiosis with the planet. Imagine what a wonderful world we would live in if we had cured those problem but kept the virtues ... and the clothes.

The pulse of the common man is going to swing in that direction, it will change nothing about our world, but it will make steam punk a popular genre for a short while, 6 months or so... anyway, If you have the means to capitalize on this wave.. i suggest you do so soon, your time is almost up before your just jumping on the band wagon.

-that is all

Friday, August 13, 2010

Profound Reality

Sometimes reality can become so .. profound..

Has reality ever crystallized for you , like you were looking around one day, and suddenly someone you know is a human, with feelings and thoughts and their own ideas... the clubbed in the head like discovery of that caliber can really knock the wind out of you sometimes.

I don't think I've mentioned on here that i have recently (10weeks) had another son, a new baby boy.. i have to be honest... its great.

I know i have mentioned before.. a number of times that I am deliriously happy most of the time, and i more or less walk through my life with a song in my heart and whistle on my lips due to the fact that i have in fact discovered the secret of life.. and its not 42...

Well when that bat like reality check meets deliriously happy life... you get a warm feeling of reassurance that all is well in your world. I have a wonderful, deliriously happy life, and the people in MY delirious world.. are also happy ... go figure.

PS i spelled delirious wrong every single time...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


No i'm not introducing a new project... instead i'm rather reeling from too many things i have and want to do. things that i'm having a problem prioritizing. I'm assigning days to my projects.. i will see what shakes out in the wash that way.

I will have to prioritize my time as a man with 3 boys, a wife, a job, a life consuming hobby and at least 3 books to write... let alone the 12 that I'm reading.. I'm suffering from severe project overload and its forcing me to miss out on stuff...

I Resolve to continue the writing schedule i have been on since i started this blog.

I will sort out my schedule now..

I have no idea how I'm going to do that...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WOW... bad ideas, and How not to Maintain your Blog

Wow... so i started a second blog, called 365 days of wow in honor of the calender i got for Christmas right? well lets talk a moment about the fundamentally bad idea of committing to 365 days of wow, first off, one would be forced to actually play wow for ...365 days... secondly... playing any game 365 days.. wtf was i thinking? after work , household responsibilities, and familial obligations and sleep .. who has that kind of time... **slowly looks around the wow community**cough** slowly backs away**

Anyway, so that failed in an epic online blogging fashion of not only did i not finish it, its soul crushing responsibility also pushed me out of my regular blogging, and writing, and any other non work, or family related event for MONTHS!! OK maybe more contributing factors were involved but if you ask me no questions we can assume that it was Wows fault... lousy wow... ill show you.

So as you may have guessed.. I'm back to blogging, back to writing and back to the things in life that make me happy and healthy and normally functioning in a socially acceptable way right... :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Frustrated from the sheer volume of stuff...

I have so much stuff going on .. actually to be honest compared to most people i probably have just normal volume of stuff.. but something about me makes me different, im very focused, i was told once when i was young that (unlike ADD as it was called way back then) It was possilbe that i had Hyper focus attention, Though please i have no idea what the words are for that, it was just a conversation in the early nineties, and it lay relatively forgotten till i started writing this particular post... but i had issues with hyper concentration, i would get onto a task and would remain "Driven" to achieve a goal or outcome ... and i would have a problem with more than a few things happening at one time,but now, im easily distracted by other interesting things, and find it difficult to stay on task... whats with that, ill tell you it adds to my overall frustration levels..

I know what it is that I want to do , but damn you all if i can actually get to doing it without having to run all over creation for one reason or another, and whats worse, is i feel some need to do that very thing, to add things to my list so that i will feel like a productive citizen..

The true tragedy is that i dont want to be a productive citizen, i could give a rats ass about society, community or whats beyond my immediate self interest ... does that make me a bad person? not that i would care about your opinion anyway :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

do you blog

Do you write a blog? if you do perhaps you have asked yourself this question after reading one of your posts... "Who the hell blogged this, and how did they get into my head?"

I was reading a post i made, and it reads like i had to go to the bathroom, what the hell? ... who would write like that?

Man, sometimes im ashamed of myself, and i reflect on my first posts, when i was asking some questions that now seem more relevant and more effective than when i wrote them. If i take the time to edit, polish and perfect a post, is it really me that's posting any more.. i have created a blog, in order to "muddle to myself" really just a reservoir of thoughts, a place to put things that have no business being anywhere else... so i will uphold that practice, however, what the hell? should i just delete posts like that ?

I only really post when i have something to say generally.. i guess you will just have to find a way through those kinds of posts if your going to get to the good stuff.

The great mysteries of the T4

Man i love numbers, i love working with them, and makin 'em do stuff, especially when there is money involved, im a natural accountant, not in skill mind you , but in nature. I have to actually work really hard on the discipline of doing books, and taxes and junk.. but the work is wonderful and rewarding to me...

I know, sick right? but its true, im doing reconciliations at work, and im putting in more work hours than i have in 3 months, cause i love the unabashed frolic in the numbers, good or bad, up or down it doesnt matter i love the work.

So today i was doing tax work, preparing for the tax year, T4's and our CRA submission, when a whole lot of questions started being asked,.. i determined that people (not Me) are actually intimidated and feel out of their depth when it comes to tax time... i guess thats how H&R and other tax firms are able to manage so well come this time of year, to successfully continue offering their services all year.. i mean a small percentage of tax back or 15$ isn't much to ask from a person, however when your dealing with 300 of them a day, i guess it adds up fast, I have been asked to do the taxes for the employees at the office, and I think i agreed, and now that im thinking about it, if i got 5% of their return.. i would make like 600-700$ in like a day, i could do it a single 8 hour shift (snags not withstanding) crazy...

So this year, im doing mine and my wifes taxes on a program that has enough room to do the other employees at work, and i can e-file them all ... and that will fun cause i wont have to pay for the program, i make an hourly wage AND im going to charge them for it, though im probably not going to actually charge for it .. cause im no good at that upfront negotiations. :)
anyway... back to my numbers and letters... I love my life.. and you should too

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Plan...

I start my day, week month, year, life and afterlife with a plan.. im just one of those people i guess, if im not DOING something, im PLANNING something. Now i know that could be said of many people but for me this is actually a "Thing" that i do, i will wake up in the morning, and before i even know it, before my pants are on honestly, i have some plan forming of how the morning/day is going to go.
Ok you say, when i get out of bed i say "im gonna go bathroom, then eat some breakfast" and your thinking, thats a plan right? well not really, see the difference is that i attach priority and importance to things aswell, and because of my responsibility in life (so many) certain things have to be done in a certain order...

But that is all somantics, i had a plan for this blog, i had a plan for getting up this morning, and i have a plan for what to do when im done here, if i dont, i keep going till i do :)

But the point of this post is ... i form plans so fast that you could never guess that i had one, or what it is ... i don't pull out a pad and start jotting notes, i just form it, in the space of a few thoughts i have semi-cohesive plan, and damn you if you get in the way .

This is problem now, i form a plan before anyone else even gets out of bed, and they are tentative ill admit, but i defend them with attitude when someone goes to intercede with it. More than once i have gotten the "Fuck-its" when someone (i wont mention her name :) said "don't forget "insert minute detail i fogot here"" and i've replied with an exasperated "BAH" cause before my pants were even on, the plan had to change... This I have decided is definitely not a plus to my personalit matrix and is something i should consider changing ... ill make a plan to do that in the future ;)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Meet Eric

I guess the wheel keeps on turning, nature takes care of own.
I would like to mention that today i met Eric, yep thats his name i decided, as i mentioned last week in a post, we lost Mckoy a raven that would come by every day and keep me company while i spent my hours pounding out words that did or didnt make sense to him. I was a little heart borken at the loss, but his partner Bruce swung by today with a NEW friend, and i thought i would take the time to say hello to him, his name is Eric.

Welcome Eric, please mind the dogs, and feel free to eat or take anything that i bothered to leave out in the yard, maybe it was for you.

Mind the power pole :)

A cookie if you know where i got these guys' names from

Friday, January 29, 2010

omg! IM evOLVInG

Did you ever roll a snowball down a hill?
well i did, it was called starting a blog. Man who would have thought ! i would never have believed someone who told me i would have a blog, but here i am, not with A blog, but with BLOGS! plural, i have started another blog, the contents of which were going to be inappropriate for the material that i put in this one. it is much less personal, and alot more .... inconsequential, however if you are interested in following my exploits in my new project, you may want to head on over to
and give 'er a read, and a follow if you think the project will be worth following, i think it will .

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So Organic

The writing process is so organic, its what makes me want to do it , and what makes certain kinds of writing hard i guess, now that im thinking about it.

The process of writing a story is whatever works for the writer however there is some basic truth that functions for all writers (in some form or another) the planning, or pre-write stage wherein you have an idea, a shape of a story, even just a "Pitch" for a story in which a writer can more or less feel the story, even if they cant make out the details yet.

The Crafting, in whatever method a writer writes, they construct a story of some kind in the process , and the finishing where the writer revises, edits and changes the story to suit both their vision from step one, and practical application. as sometimes sacrifices are made for editing, they keep the main vision as best in site as the story warrants.

This is all little vague i realize, however it is the process that happens in between these points that is the reason i write, i know i have a character, and i know that she is going to talk, but honestly, until i reach chapter 2 scene 3 in my story, when its her turn to talk, i have NO idea what she has to say. I know i have a story to tell, i even know more or less how its going to end but whats going to happen to get us there, who will make it and who wont? well.. that is all up to the muses, as i have no particular designs until the words are already on paper, and once they are.. they are in stone (more or less editing not withstanding) I created characters, and i formed a story, but writing it is like watching a movie you never seen before, you know (more or less) how its going to end but its the journey that your taking that matters, if you have interest in writing, keep this in mind, your not supposed to know every detail before you type it, books write themselves, you just have to open your heart for them and let them out.

Monday, January 25, 2010

In Memorial..

So i just saw something disturbing... I was wondering what they were doing out there, but i have to admit, even im surprised by the depth of my reaction.

So there were these two guys outside, they are all dressed in city worker type stuff, orange overalls, with loud hats, the kind of guys you see in cherry pickers working on power/phone lines, or leaning of shovels at construction sites. And, being largely uncaring with the world around me for the most part, i paid very little attention, however since they were like, right in front of my writing window, i certainly noticed them monkeying around out there, with this long contraptions, like a grabby stick but like thirty feet long, like they were untangling a wire up high, so i anticipated loosing power and watched a little longer.

Well eventually they just walked away, and i thought, hmm... they must have got it.

However i was wrong.. they returned about twenty minutes later, with an even longer grabby stick , with a different grabby arm. Hmm i thought, they needed a different stick, and they proceeded to bang on the top of the transformer. That's right, they banged on the transformer.. i thought what the hell. but then of course, as you may have already figured out, their goal became apparent as i saw it up there.. being moved by the banging, the corpse of the raven that had the misfortune of touching the two towers on the transformer.

I suppose its warm perhaps, or another bird dared him, but as i saw the corpse falling to the ground, i noticed that my back yard had indeed been mostly bird-less the last few days, normally a small group of magpies and two ravens are out here, annoying my neighbors dogs, playing bait and switch games, stealing food and generally entertaining me while i work. but not for the last few days.

I will miss McCoy, that is the name i had given that raven "Raven McCoy" but more importantly i ask what would it cost us to put a chicken wire mesh hat on the transformers, seriously, just to keep ravens and squirrels from getting into them, like a buck , maybe two? why is this not done, it could even be employed as a protect our investments campaign cause leaves, kites, and flying debris would be kept off of it too.. so why isnt this done?

In Memory of Raven McCoy, i will post a picture, and give a cookie to anyone who knows where i got the name for the raven, cause then you will pay some respect to Him too. Please post a comment if you know, ill send your cookie at my expense kay.

i have no name for this post..

So i talked to my brother today, Happy birthday to him, and i have been thinking about, well, you know, the past history family and junk and i honestly cant remember the last thing i got him for his birthday. Don't put too much stock in that statement alone, i cant remenber the last thing he got me either, but im fairly certain the last thing i got him was a magazine for his 18th or maybe 17th, he turned 38 today.. I know, im ashamed of myself too.

So I'm thinking that maybe i should get hims something, but we are all grown up now, so im not sure what i should get him, if he lived in the same city as i did, i would likely get him a magazine with 100 dollar bill folded into it.. that would be not just poetic but funny AND a nice gift...

But that isnt the case, so i must decide what to do, should i get him something and have it shipped, should i just say to him, hey , do you want "stuff here" for your birthday? its been alot of years now since we saw each other, like 5 now, so how could i approximate getting a gift that suits his lifestyle, im not sure what his life style is ...

i will trust my instincts on this one i think, and send something that i devise to be a good present, and he will have to just accept that its the thought that counts if he doesnt like it or need it. :) i hope he likes/needs it though , cause it takes thought and effort to get people things from 2500 miles away .. right?

Happy 38th birthday man, i love you , hope you like it when you get it. (whatever it is)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

hobbyist and professional

The difference between someone who does something for fun, and someone who does something for a living, could be vast and dynamic fundamental differences, but probably aren't.

I know that's a big statement, but if you consider it for a moment, perhaps you will agree with me,
know anyone who sings REALLY well when they are cleaning? or cooking? Know anyone who Dungeon Masters the GREATEST worlds. Know anyone who can dismantle and build a car backward and forward, with their eyes closed? then you know someone who could have been a singer, a writer and a mechanic, but hey an office assistant, gas jockey and web designer are important too right?

Guts and inspiration
that's the difference between a singer and an office admin, but that can be taken a step further, you can have guts, AND inspiration, but even more foundational than that, is self esteem, i beleive that the self esteem issues in this country, and in the world at large are far worse than anyone suspects, and is more the direct results of the world we made, and our parents made than we are willing to admit.

I remember when self esteem was a major point there was classes for it, there was school course work designed to work with it. but like the green house effect it faded from popular media and became a background force making room for the next wagon, which as i recall was obesity, and then homosexuality, then on and on the dance went, getting further and further from what the cause was.
I think we should get back to that, keep self esteem on the center platform for our children, make sure they know their opinion matters, and that they are as good as any other person.

I shudder to think of the future with the self esteem levels where they are now. the difference between someone who is a writer and someone who is a wannabe, is the belief that their story is worth reading. plain and simple, the battle is belief in oneself to make the right decisions, to do the right things, and follow the right path. everything else is peripheral.

I am worth reading, so are you .... so write !

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Well, i had a good intention

So last night i became the treasurer for the "Potluck Community Co-op" which is absolutely something i believe in, and think should happen, and therefore im happy to contribute, however im a little worried that our initiatives will be too narrow of scope to inclued the initiatives of Giogo, i hope that some rectification can be had from my input toward this, i have some idea for how to get everyone jump started, and to start making an immediate impact.

Community Garden (enabling initiative)
Members can get an earthworm composting bin, no matter where they live they can compost effective high qualtiy nutrient rich soil, for use in the community garden, for anyone who wants to use the soil, if we can get as a non-profit or through a fund raising initiative, bins, soil and the free worms from raven recycling, we can start mass composting quality soil, with an aim in the future to provide larger quantities to our production members of the co-op, and any community garden growers. This will have the immediate impact of bringing in visibility, increasing member numbers, and incentives for membership, a compost bin and place to put the soil when enriched.

Small Growers Initiative, (enabling initiative)
Using a model from 1000 years ago, we can make it convenient affordable and safe for small growers to sell small quantities of vegtables, and produce to a Co-op merchant organization by taking small quantities from members, for fair market value, and reselling through onine and harvest fair.

Harvest fair,
Co-op should invest time energy and money into hosting a harvest fair, stretching back to when harvest was a time when the communty came together to feast and celebrate their comming year, we should host an event for harvest fair that is more akin to the street celebreations they have in july, with music events, and a festival that includes fundraising and promotional venues for Co-op and its initiatives.

Stalk Exchange,
the website should be set up in such a way that people shopping and people producing can search each other out, using the model i was using from VB's new software, we can set it up so that producers can find who is buying what, and get the best value for their work. and buyers can see who is growing what, and in what quantities they will have it available, this is an embrionic working model and can be applied to anyone with a garden, that is interested in feeding others.

there is a few ideas for how we may want to start some of out projects and a direction to move in while we get sorted out, put here for me, so i will remember them.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Linear or Non-Linear

I find often that i reflect on the method of writting, on the actual process involved the whether to and whether not to's. I find this will consume large quantities of time , and energy, trying to investigate, find advice, and find refrence for that advice, this is alot of time spent to find something that absolutely has no answer for the most part.

On the one hand, many writers need assistance with some of the minutia in getting a story/poem/ book published, they are left with questions as for what now, and who should i contact, now these are good questions, ones that need answers and im glad these resources are available, but for the other stuff, there simply is no answer any more, even if there was an answer once.

How long should it be, should i write linear or write peripheral notes and background first, should i use a plot bubble, a story board or some software that will organize my characters by age and blah blah deblah. Ill tell you, my advice to you is this, just write.. if your story is linear in your head, yeah, write linear, treat the action sequences and romance scenes and climax (hehe) like a reward for writing all the blah blah in between cool sword fight scenes.
it should be as long as the story is , worry about media AFTER its written, be it comic book or 12 book series, write first, present after. character profiles, scene notes and backgrounds? well there is disciplines that insist you must, or musnt, here is the advice i have for you , after all my sweat and work , if you have em, AND you want them , do them ( up side is that they can be a book after your book hits the top sellers) if you don't have em, and don't care, then don't include 'em nuff said.
story board if you want, plot bubble if you need to , organize your thoughts as best you can, whatever works to get you writing, our biggest snag is feeling like a writer without having actually written anything, don't stop there, keep going, keep writing, write till your fingers bleed and you have no story left, then write some more, because only getting in your 10000 hours will make you a professional.

Yes my blog counts 368 words, and 15 minutes closer to my goals right? Write?!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

soooooo many ideas

I have a hard time understanding people sometimes, not that i should have this great mastery over understanding people and motive and the ebb and flow of life, but i do understand enough to get by i guess.

What I'm referring to is of course peoples inability to conjure, not magic, but peoples inability to create, to generate from nothing, to design from concept. Why can one person pick up a pencil and sketch a dragon, which is perfectly simple to them, then another picks it up and scratches their head with it.One more would jot down a sentence about a stormy night. What is the human ability to create, be it in art, literature or mathematics, why can one person write a book, in their head, literally in minutes, while another would not be able to even think of a name for a book that were original ?Add Image

I don't mean to condescend, so please don't take it that way, I'm honestly curious. I create as effortlessly as you would move from one side of the room to another, with as little effort and with equally measurable results. however I couldn't , say, repair your car, that is way beyond my ability. Taken in small quantity it is nearly inconceivable to either side of this argument that other people can't do what they can. I can scarcely even contemplate the reality that everyone doesn't have a book in them, but a mechanic would have a hard time understanding why i need help changing the oil in my car i guess.

I have literally sat here today , working, and created no less than 3 FANTASTIC stories , ones that require dozens, maybe hundreds of hours to actually type out, but they are fleshed out enough that i could tell you all about them, come up with art concepts or whatever i needed, it was easy and fast,but I have a hard time visualizing that someone else couldn't do it, i guess people can be taught to do it, I mean if i cared enough I could learn about my car and how to fix it, but i don't, I guess that door swings both ways too, I'm literally incapable of seeing it from that point of view as a reality, I could create that point of view, though so like anything else in life, I will simply assume I'm right and move on.

The Ability to Create is a wonderful gift, that too many take too lightly.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New chapter II

Continued thoughts on terminology and the human gift for suck.

Unless of course, you were referring to A New chapter, as an ultimate acceptance of fate, and this is simply the introduction of a new set of characters and places, new things to do while you wait for the end of the book. What if you didnt know how the book would end? I find myself asking, wouldn't a new chapter be appealing then?

Assuming that i Didn't know, then yes a new chapter sounds like a lovely idea. "I'm opening a new chapter in my life! and its exciting cause i don't know what will happen next..

Yes, why i can see how that would be an appealing opportunity, and even how someone (Not Me) could conceive to use this metaphor to describe an exciting outcome.

On the other hand,What if i do know how the book will end, and new chapter is simply the authors way of throwing in that crucial plot twist that no-one was expecting!

I guess i can support the use of this metaphor for now, i don't see how it will affect my future to denounce or endorse its use so please bare in mind that you should use the terms with caution, but use them you may, you have my blessing.

And we all know that you desperately needed my blessing to open that new chapter in your life..
please do, this one got boring real fast :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Chapter!

So often, you hear people say, its a new chapter in my life!

What is that? Im afraid i have some bad news for all you people out
there who think that a new chapter in your life may be a good thing..

Books don't change plots half way through a story, the ending is still
the same the girl gets the guy, even if she started a new chapter 100 times
over... "Im starting a new chapter in my life" but the plot is the same and the
book is going to end the same...

Listen, I'm all for changing your life for the better, I'm all for making your
world a happier place. But if you thinking of starting a new chapter, please,
consider that you may need to switch books. If switching books is what you need
im all yours, and the best of luck to you !

Im starting a New chapter in MY life, but its chapter one, and the book is new!

The new book needs a dedication
Thanks to my loving wife for all her support :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dear Follower

Dear Follower,

I see you there, on the periphery of my blog,
your kitty, looking all playful, how are you?

It is to the followers of the world i speak, those
that take the time, and consideration to read the
often meaningless ramble that the bloggers of the
world deign to share, And it is to you that I will
give the most precious of posts, and most sincerest
of warm smiles (pauses to smile)

It does us all a little good, to know that someone is
even interested that i Might say something useful,
or informative, and cares enough to check.

So thank you, even though I'm posting for me, and you
may not know what they are about, I'm posting for you too
Dear follower.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

how bloggy is a blog post?

I had totally written a post about letting go of harmful memories,but instead im going to ask a question, cause it was just getting creepy.

How long is a blog post, y'know in the blog community, one from which i still consider myself very much NOT a part of, cause being on my 3rd post, and already a day behind, I'm forced to ask myself some very fundamental questions, like , who cares ? and what should i post about? how personal should i make this post? and the like. but really i have to say that the blog has only one real interest to me, and i also think its the one thing that might actually keep me from posting.

How do you keep yourself looking and feeling sophisticated enough that people want to read your posts (not to laugh at anyway), and post regularly with any kind of personal thought put into it, if I'm spending hours composing my post so that i don't look like my thinking is somewhat akin to a half eaten plate of chicken at my gram-ma's house, ( you'll just have to trust me, no picture is forthcoming) is it really me that your reading? is it really me that is posting at that point?

How long should i spend composing my thoughts, writing them carefully, so as to appear as talented as like... a writer, and witty, and stuff so people will enjoy the read, perhaps more than they would enjoy a conversation with its author, and in all fairness would it not be safer to just find a hallmark card and send it to them, its just as much the real me right?

I spent all this time finding the perfect card...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thats What I want

Are you happy?

Most of the time you find yourself guaging your position in life,
depending of course on what it is you seek, if you seek money, your
consistently looking up your balances, your current Cash, and your past transactions.
If you seek love, you watch sappy movies, you go out often, and you search
for the love that you sure you deserve (and you probably deserve more)

If you are searching for a house, you cruise the classifieds, you look around
neighborhoods you want to live in and you check in with mortgage calculators,
pad savings accounts and plan color patterns....

Happiness is a commodity, like anything else, the mistake that most people make
is they invest it into something, like love, money or a house.. but Happiness can be had
without any of that if you seek it , like the other things, you just have to learn where to look
to see what you have, what you need, what you had yesterday , and what you will want to have

You take a deep breath, you count your fingers, you look into the eyes of your friends, your family, and most importantly , yourself, and ask yourself, what are you happy about right now?
you may or may not have an answer that you like... but you will have an answer, which is the same as having a cash balance, a for sale sign, or a sappy movie to watch with a loved one. its somewhere to start...

Yes, i am happy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

how did i get to this place

You ever wonder "how did i get to this place?"
What is it we're chasing out there, the american dream, a higher ideal? What are you working for? or towards?

Have you ever looked up from your life and just wondered... how did i get to this place?
What wild set of chased dreams, narrow visions and pit falls have put you to where you are now?
and how are you going to get back to where you want to be, you would even accept going back to where you were, but your (sometimes literally) buried under your current .. situation.

I have thought this through carefully, and i've decided that i certainly missed my mark, i am not anywhere even remotely close to where i was shooting at a year ago, or 10 years ago, so what is the path i want to be on then? i think the part that is missed most often when one seeks the road out, is that there is first the need to take the road back.

In an apple orchard, arms outreached, you had a goal in mind, you found a ladder, and climbed it, when you had all you wanted you fell off the ladder... Do you get up and go get an orange? typically, or logically, one would say "simply climb the ladder again and get what you wanted" so what is it in life that changes the parameters of what we want so fast and so drastically that we loose site of the things that we were after in the first place.

So often in life we hear, see and even occasionally understand the most profound truths, about others, about life in general or society, but so few are able to apply that to a working model in their lives. Or in some way discern what it is about that truth that can apply to them and their lives.

Well if you have asked this question , so have I , and many others like us, it is our responsibility to take matters into our own hands, to make the changes and take steps to not only move on , but to move ahead, even if it means you have to look back ....

"Sometimes the way forward, is the way ... back" Frank oz's hand told me that once. I just dont think i took it to heart until now.