Monday, January 25, 2010

In Memorial..

So i just saw something disturbing... I was wondering what they were doing out there, but i have to admit, even im surprised by the depth of my reaction.

So there were these two guys outside, they are all dressed in city worker type stuff, orange overalls, with loud hats, the kind of guys you see in cherry pickers working on power/phone lines, or leaning of shovels at construction sites. And, being largely uncaring with the world around me for the most part, i paid very little attention, however since they were like, right in front of my writing window, i certainly noticed them monkeying around out there, with this long contraptions, like a grabby stick but like thirty feet long, like they were untangling a wire up high, so i anticipated loosing power and watched a little longer.

Well eventually they just walked away, and i thought, hmm... they must have got it.

However i was wrong.. they returned about twenty minutes later, with an even longer grabby stick , with a different grabby arm. Hmm i thought, they needed a different stick, and they proceeded to bang on the top of the transformer. That's right, they banged on the transformer.. i thought what the hell. but then of course, as you may have already figured out, their goal became apparent as i saw it up there.. being moved by the banging, the corpse of the raven that had the misfortune of touching the two towers on the transformer.

I suppose its warm perhaps, or another bird dared him, but as i saw the corpse falling to the ground, i noticed that my back yard had indeed been mostly bird-less the last few days, normally a small group of magpies and two ravens are out here, annoying my neighbors dogs, playing bait and switch games, stealing food and generally entertaining me while i work. but not for the last few days.

I will miss McCoy, that is the name i had given that raven "Raven McCoy" but more importantly i ask what would it cost us to put a chicken wire mesh hat on the transformers, seriously, just to keep ravens and squirrels from getting into them, like a buck , maybe two? why is this not done, it could even be employed as a protect our investments campaign cause leaves, kites, and flying debris would be kept off of it too.. so why isnt this done?

In Memory of Raven McCoy, i will post a picture, and give a cookie to anyone who knows where i got the name for the raven, cause then you will pay some respect to Him too. Please post a comment if you know, ill send your cookie at my expense kay.

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