Monday, January 18, 2010

Linear or Non-Linear

I find often that i reflect on the method of writting, on the actual process involved the whether to and whether not to's. I find this will consume large quantities of time , and energy, trying to investigate, find advice, and find refrence for that advice, this is alot of time spent to find something that absolutely has no answer for the most part.

On the one hand, many writers need assistance with some of the minutia in getting a story/poem/ book published, they are left with questions as for what now, and who should i contact, now these are good questions, ones that need answers and im glad these resources are available, but for the other stuff, there simply is no answer any more, even if there was an answer once.

How long should it be, should i write linear or write peripheral notes and background first, should i use a plot bubble, a story board or some software that will organize my characters by age and blah blah deblah. Ill tell you, my advice to you is this, just write.. if your story is linear in your head, yeah, write linear, treat the action sequences and romance scenes and climax (hehe) like a reward for writing all the blah blah in between cool sword fight scenes.
it should be as long as the story is , worry about media AFTER its written, be it comic book or 12 book series, write first, present after. character profiles, scene notes and backgrounds? well there is disciplines that insist you must, or musnt, here is the advice i have for you , after all my sweat and work , if you have em, AND you want them , do them ( up side is that they can be a book after your book hits the top sellers) if you don't have em, and don't care, then don't include 'em nuff said.
story board if you want, plot bubble if you need to , organize your thoughts as best you can, whatever works to get you writing, our biggest snag is feeling like a writer without having actually written anything, don't stop there, keep going, keep writing, write till your fingers bleed and you have no story left, then write some more, because only getting in your 10000 hours will make you a professional.

Yes my blog counts 368 words, and 15 minutes closer to my goals right? Write?!

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