Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy Busy

I wish i could find it, i wish i could find the motivation to meet my vision, and ambition.
I have posted before about how I have a zillion great ideas, and then run out of gas during the development phase.. well Mrs.Redmage said to me this morning.. " I don't know how to MAKE you work on your ideas" i mean, she said more than that,it was actually like a conversation thing.. but i forget most of it and that was the part i wanted to talk about today so ..

Friendly Accountability.

Knowing that your counting on me to get something done, will make me do it. I wont have to be reminded (much) why im doing it, when its due, and what its for.. those things make work happen. if you need a picture for this scene "a bird in a window" ill draw it on time, and to your liking. but if you say "draw me a picture" ill hum and ill haw, and ill waste time playing games complaining about timing and worrying about lighting.

Flow charts.

I work great with flow charts, i need help in remembering to look at a flow chart, but i can build one and follow it, we put my flow chart in a bad space and i think we should move it into the computer room.

Deadlines for Completion.

A flowchart that has a deadline is double effective, and allows for a time scheduled breakdown of tasks at hand.

Sticky Notes, and Uninterrupted time: too often you set yourself a time, and find yourself being inturupted or constrained by other commitments... its the blocks of uninterrupted time you need te be able to count on to be productive.. for example, at an office you have blocks of time that are uninterrupted, if your at work, you frequently have little else to do but work, your lunch time maybe, and your after work time, but while at work... not much else to do.

Anyway, thats just a few thoughts on how I could better work without a project being my actual job.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, let's move your flow-chart-with-deadline-capability (aka the giant vinyl calendar grids) upstairs with the computers when we set up the new computer room. You're right, they are in an awkward and not particularly useable/visible spot right now.
    I will try to think of "friendly accountability" ways to address our writing goals. Thanks for your thoughts.
