Thursday, August 19, 2010

Steampunks Return

Steam punk has for a long time,been around, in a tangent, semi-accepted, quasi state of popularity. Good movies, fiction and a broad definition of steam punk in general have loaned credence to its continued viability. The bad movies are dismissed as bad movies, not maintaining their connection to the genre like other bad movies do.. Marvel was in a state of bad movies for many years after captain america punisher, daredevil, hulk ... until spider man really, marvel had a bad association with movies. Steam punk, because of its broad defenitions avoided that pitfall.. "oh that was diesel punk" being the sort of defence it was able to muster.

However Steam is about to catapult its way to the forefront of popular fiction, much like vampires did a couple years ago now, and zombies did just before them. both had a quiet popularity already, but suddenly exploded into the thoughts and minds of the entire western culture. Well get ready for steam punk, i expect in about two months. steam punk will throw itself into the western cultural mainstream.

First, i would like to apologize and sympathize with all of you who are in fact steam punk fans BEFORE the great resurgence starts. Your favorite genre/style is about to be bastardized, marketed, corrupted twisted and otherwise distorted to suit the popular media vehicle in which it will be riding, I like to call this the Wal-Mart effect. (sparkling vampires) But there is an underlying reason D'etre' for the shift, like their was for the vampires, and the zombies, and i think I may have put my finger on it.

Victorian era, with the sense of propriety, morality and honor that the british empire infused,and the virtues of patience, chastity, and kindness were still virtues. without the drawbacks of the Victorian era getting in the way, no more gender bias, racial inequity, slavery, and the industrial revolution is past, technology reaching a fairer symbiosis with the planet. Imagine what a wonderful world we would live in if we had cured those problem but kept the virtues ... and the clothes.

The pulse of the common man is going to swing in that direction, it will change nothing about our world, but it will make steam punk a popular genre for a short while, 6 months or so... anyway, If you have the means to capitalize on this wave.. i suggest you do so soon, your time is almost up before your just jumping on the band wagon.

-that is all

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